Home MoneyBanks EU, GIZ to Implement €20m Program to Improve Informal Areas in Egypt

EU, GIZ to Implement €20m Program to Improve Informal Areas in Egypt

by Yomna Yasser

Egypt receives a grant totaled € 20 million from the European Union in cooperation with the German Agency for International Co-operation (GIZ) to develop informal areas in Cairo, Giza and Qalyubia, said Ambassador James Moran – Head of Delegation of the EU to Egypt. 

Ambassador James Moran, Head of European Union Delegation to Egypt, unveiled today in a press conference a programme financed by the EU to improve five informal areas in Greater Cairo. The five informal areas targeted are Matarya in Cairo, Old Boulaq in Giza and Qalioub, Shubra El-Kheima and Khosoos in Qalyubia Governorates.

The EU has signed an Agreement with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH within the Egyptian-German Development Cooperation to implement a five year Programme which will focus on improving the livelihoods of the residents in the areas.

HE Ambassador Moran said that “the Programme is in line with the Egyptian Government’s policy to improve informal areas and to address unemployment with an emphasis on helping women and youth. The Programme will be based on community needs and will be agreed with the community and participants including civil society, local authorities and the private sector who will jointly work together in a spirit of cooperation to develop the areas. The Programme is part of the €90m EU Spring Package Programme for Egypt which was recently signed by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ziad Bahaa El Din at the end of November.” Ambassador Moran added that the EU supported the role of civil society in a democratic Egypt and in particular its contribution to the development of informal areas.

Projects to be supported through grant aid and technical support will address numerous community needs including unemployment, environment, health, education, community facilities and infrastructure in the five informal areas.

The Programme jointly financed by the EU and the German Government is part of the Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP), which has been working in Egypt since 2004 improving informal areas and which is managed by GIZ.GIZ is currently implementing a similar programme on behalf of the EU in four other informal areas in Cairo and Giza Governorates. This is a four year programme which started in 2012.

Staff in the three Governorates, together with PDP Staff will provide technical support for the implementation of the projects.

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