Home Tech/AITech news EJB Official determines four major reasons why your company’s digital marketing isn’t working

EJB Official determines four major reasons why your company’s digital marketing isn’t working

by Amwal Al Ghad English

While Covid-19 has certainly staggered a lot of businesses, there seems to be no end to the growth and development of online marketing companies and agencies.

In this regard, Sherif Makhlouf, the head of the telecommunications committee at the Egyptian Junior Business Association (EJB) and CEO at Boost, says, however, almost every business has hopped onto the bandwagon, it has also left plenty of them handicapped with direction, driving them on the precipice of nonentity.

While competition is high, companies, particularly startups can steer clear from failure by evaluating and gauging their performance at every step of the way.

Makhlouf mentioned reasons why any company’s digital marketing strategy is not fruitful as follows:

Your Strategy Just Isn’t Right

Failing to draft and implement a proven digital strategy is one of the most common reasons why most businesses don’t succeed. More than half of the businesses are unable to deliver because they don’t plan with the end goal in mind.

Their inability to draft a proven strategy that connects the dots to their tactical plan renders them irrelevant, hence they are unable to communicate the right value to their customers.

      2- The Content Isn’t Persuasive Enough

Businesses need to deliver the right value to their customers via content and communications. It is essential that brands consider the integrated marketing ecosystem, and thus speak or communicate their story or value proposition in a way that resonates well with the needs of the final buyers of the product

       3- The Strategy &Content Aren’t Interconnected with the Right KPIs

As much as it is important to develop the right strategy and content, it is also essential that it is aligned with the right KPIs. There are several examples where businesses have ended up producing tons of content, thereby producing tons of engagement, yet when it comes to generating the leads and sales, they just don’t to be hitting the right mark

      4- Little or No Expertise Within Performance Marketing

Climbing onto the ‘Performance Marketing’ bandwagon can be a tricky trait. That’s why not a lot of businesses end up pulling it off the right way.

No matter which platform you use, it’s essential that businesses know the 4W’s of marketing (what, whom, where, and why) with a combination of technical experts who know the dynamics of marketing online which can help deliver a successful campaign online.

The bottom line is that there is no fast track to excellence in digital marketing. Successful campaigns have, and always will be based on getting the building the right foundations. If you get these straight, there is no doubt that your brand will deliver stellar results.


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