Home NewsEgypt News Egypt’s MPs hail the Decision of Halting Gas Export to Israel

Egypt’s MPs hail the Decision of Halting Gas Export to Israel

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Egyptian lawmakers have hailed the government’s decision to halt gas export to Israel.
The Egyptian parliament “salutes the decision to stop exporting gas to the Zionist entity,” said a parliament statement yesterday. 

Parliamentary speaker, Mohamed Saad Al-Katatny, read out the statement, saying that the representatives of the Egyptian people, who have been asking for such a step for long, are happy to see the development which adheres to the will of the Egyptian nation. 

The statement further read that post-revolution Egypt will remain committed to supporting the Palestinian people and their historic rights. 

This is while Egypt’s International Cooperation Minister Fayza Abul Naga has said that Cairo is ready to resume gas exports to Israel under a new contract with new conditions and a new price. 

In line with the USD-2.5-billion export deal, Israel would receive around 40 percent of its gas supply from Egypt at an extremely low price. 

Egypt used to be Tel Aviv’s strongest Arab ally during the roughly-30-year-long rule of former dictator Hosni Mubarak, who was deposed in a popular revolution in February 2011, according to Press TV.

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