Home Tech/AITech news Egypt’s MCIT Eyes New 400.000 Job Opportunities In 2017

Egypt’s MCIT Eyes New 400.000 Job Opportunities In 2017

by Salma Ayman

Eng. Atef Helmy, Egypt’s Information and Communication Technology Minister, said (ICT) sector eyes to achieve 20% growth rate till 2017, and its contribution for the total local result up 6% and creating job opportunities ranging between 100.000 to 400.000 as well as increasing the exports of IT services to EGP 28 billion.

Helmy said the Ministry has short-term axis to refresh the (ICT) sector, noting that achieving the institutional development is one of the Ministry’s priorities and integration between the ministries and sectors in order to remove any duplication ,reduce costs and the ability to move quickly through the appointment of assistant to the minister.

Helmy has emphasized that the second target for developing and activating the (ICT) sector through basic determinants , work transparently to provide integrated subsidizes for all partners from local and international companies or Civil Society Organizations.

Helmy has noted that the governmental projects which are currently implementing in the sector now reached EGP 168.2 million, the training programs have implemented with worth EGP 50 million, and export subsidize programs are implemented with EGP 50 million, in addition, Development Program and non-profit companies worth EGP 14 million.

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