Home Tech/AITech news Egypt’s ICT ‘Implementing High-Speed Internet National Initiative Due In Sept ‘

Egypt’s ICT ‘Implementing High-Speed Internet National Initiative Due In Sept ‘

by Salma Ayman

Eng. Atef Helmy, Egyptian Minister of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), has asserted during his meeting with Nelly Cruz, the Vice-President of the European Commission yesterday in her first visit to Egypt after the revolution that he has discussed a number of topics with her which are currently proposed on the international level and related to Internet governance, its importance for Egypt and how to apply it for all the citizens with prices match with their economic life.

The Minister has emphasized that the Ministry is seeking to develop broadband strategy and working to implement a national initiative in order to provide and circulate high-speed internet which will be in the coming September, asserting its important for the citizen’s right.

Helmy said broadband not only means telecom sector but also benefits for many sectors including Education, Industry and others, as well as the Ministry is seeking to create an investment climate attracts many investors to Egypt.

Helmy has explained that Egypt respects the freedom of internet security and privacy uses, pointing out that the Ministry is making extensive efforts to amend Telecom Act and make draft law of Freedom of Information Act.

Helmy has confirmed that there are three main axes were agreed to participate in the initiative of the Global Internet Policy Observatory (GIPO) and hold high-level dialogue with the European Union (EU) concerning telecoms policy and how to make the best use of (EU) experiences through europeana gate within the participation in workshops about (digital content enhances transparency, participation and creativity) next June.

Moreover, Cruz has affirmed that talking about telecom industry means creating new economic markets in Egypt, noting that she has discussed many topics and issues with the Minister in her current visit regarding the future of information technology (IT) in Egypt, along with other topics represented in the Right to Internet access ,freedom of  speech ,freedom of the post and some issues related to women, such as early marriage and violence against women.

Cruz added that it was agreed on two points such as creating open market for tech-enterprises so that they can compete with each other to provide the best service, increase digital literacy and enable all categories of access to this knowledge, particularly women.

Furthermore, Cruz has commented on Egypt’s chance to get International Mortgage Fund (IMF) loan, saying the government should find an agreement with the fund emphasizing that the loan is based on the adoption of freedom  and this what caused the revolution.

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