Home Feature Egyptian-Vietnamese business forum promises more cooperation

Egyptian-Vietnamese business forum promises more cooperation

by Fatma Nashaat
Sahar Nasr

The Egyptian-Vietnamese business forum started  Tuesday with the participation of eight ministers of both sides along with 41 Vietnamese companies.

Egyptian and Vietnamese Investment Ministers; Sahar Nasr and Nguyen Chi Dung respectively, opened the event in which representatives from the Egyptian private sector and 41 key Vietnamese companies are taking part.

The Egyptian ministers of tourism, agriculture, health, communications and trade attended the event alongside the Vietnamese trade and industry minister.

Nasr underlined the distinguished economic ties between Egypt and Vietnam, citing a visit by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to Vietnam in September 2017 as the first by Egyptian president to the Asian state.

Nasr voiced hope that the forum would offer a chance for exchanging points of view and expertise as well as discussing means of boosting joint investments and available investment opportunities.

She reviewed the economic reforms carried out by Egypt to encourage investment as well as ongoing mammoth national projects.

Meanwhile, Vietnamese Trade and Industry Minister Tran Tuan Anh said Vietnamese businessmen expressed desire to invest in Egypt, especially in the fields of spinning and weaving, oil and tourism.

A documentary film was screened during the forum to post attendees on Egypt’s achievements in the fish farming domain as well as available investment opportunities.


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