Home MoneyBanks EBRD Bank Reviews Its Vision for Financing SMEs Projects in Egypt

EBRD Bank Reviews Its Vision for Financing SMEs Projects in Egypt

by Salma Ayman

The French Chamber of Commerce in Egypt has organized a seminar regarding the activities of the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in order to present an offer concerning the Egyptian companies that make the best use of these activities within the last period.EBRD is targeting to review its future plan for financing SMEs projects.

An official source of the bank has announced during the seminar their intentions to expand financing for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Egypt within the coming period as these projects will be an incentive for the economic activity and supporting the joint commercial transactions, as well as these projects will increase the export activities.

The advisory services of the EBRD bank is aiming to redeveloping (SMEs) ,micro enterprises and to access to various groups throughout facilitating the implementation with domestic consultants.

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