Home MoneyFinancial Institutions Delta Insures Ports And Dry Land’s Workers

Delta Insures Ports And Dry Land’s Workers

by Administrator

Delta Life Insurance signed the insurance policy covering the workers at General Authority For Ports & Dry Land, subsidiary of Ministry of Transport.

Salah Abdel Fattah, general manager of Group Insurance and Reinsurance Department at the Company, said that the policy insures 500 workers and employees against death, partial or total disability. Besides, the insured will be paid a certain sum of money when retired.

It is worth mentioning that premiums volume at Delta’s life insurance department grew by 28.5% as it reached EGP 64 million in the first half of FY 2011/2012, compared with EGP 50 million in the first half of FY 2010/2011. In addition, premiums volume of individual insurance rose 21% as it reached EGP 10.8 million, compared with EGP 8.9 million. Volume of indemnifications reached EGP 25.8 million in the first half of FY 2011/1012, compared with EGP 79.9 million in the first half of FY 2010/2011.

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