Home Tech/AITech news Cyber-Attacks In Egypt Are On The Rise, Says Expert

Cyber-Attacks In Egypt Are On The Rise, Says Expert

by Ghada Ismail

Nexthink, a provider of end-user IT analytics, took part in the seventh edition of the Cairo Security Camp, Egypt. As a Gold partner for the event, Nexthink executives took this opportunity to address major IT challenges and solutions facing organisations in Egypt.

In addition, Mohamed Enab, Regional Professional Services and Customer Success Manager of Nexthink tackled End-user

IT Analytics for Security and participated in the ATM Malware, Malware for Money panel discussion.

According to research firm Markets and Markets; the global IT cybersecurity market will rise to over $170 billion by 2020.

“Evolving rapidly, security threats are becoming more and more sophisticated. A security breach can impact an organization financially, as well as damage its reputation. The Cairo Security Camp is an excellent platform that brings together Egypt’s security experts and organizations to understand today’s IT security landscape and address the challenges,” said Mohamed Enab.

“Nexthink provides organizations real-time analytics and actionable insights from an end-user (employee) perspective, to make smarter data-driven decisions and align their IT operations with the needs of both the business and end-users.

These meaningful insights help the IT team to respond to performance issues, failures, crashes, and detect security issues more quickly and efficiently.”

Source: CNEgypt



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