Egypt’s revenues from the Suez Canal, excluding the navigation services, grew 9.9 percent year-on-year to $544.7 million …
Sanaa Allam
Egypt NewsFeatureIndustry & TradeNewsTech/AI
Egypt reports record $6 billion Suez Canal revenues as of first half of Dec
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamEgypt’s revenues from the Suez Canal recorded $6 billion from January until the first half of December, …
Egypt NewsFeatureIndustry & TradeNewsTech/AI
Suez Canal revenues highest ever for month of November
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamEgypt’s revenues from the Suez Canal recorded $571.3 million in November, the highest monthly level ever, said …
FeatureIndustry & TradeTech/AI
Egypt’s trade with Nile basin countries climbs 26% y-o-y in 9 months
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamTrade exchange between Egypt and Nile Basin countries reported on Sunday a 26.4 percent year-on-year growth to …
FeatureIndustry & TradeTech/AI
Egypt’s iron and steel exports jump 197% in 8 months
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamEgypt’s iron and steel exports in the first eight months of 2021 have jumped 197 percent to …
FeatureIndustry & TradeTech/AI
Egypt’s commodity exchange to start trading in cotton next year – minister
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamEgypt’s commodity exchange (EGYCOMEX) will start operations with trading in cotton starting next year, Public Enterprise Minister …
FeatureIndustry & TradeTech/AI
Alameda to invest around $318 mln in Egypt in five years
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamAlameda Healthcare Group is looking to invest 5 billion Egyptian pounds ($318.1 million) in Egypt in the …
EGXFeatureIndustry & TradeStocksTech/AI
Egypt’s Pyramid Poultry expects Cairo listing next year
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamEgypt’s Pyramid Poultry Company expects listing some of its shares on the country’s stock exchange (EGX) within …
FeatureIndustry & TradeTech/AI
Egypt’s annual urban consumer inflation surges to 6.1% in July – CAPMAS
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamEgypt’s annual urban consumer inflation accelerated to 6.1 percent in July, compared to 5.3 percent in June, …
FeatureIndustry & TradeTech/AI
Egypt’s Suez Canal revenues surge 20.6% y-o-y in July – official
by Sanaa Allamby Sanaa AllamEgypt’s revenues from the Suez Canal surged 20.6 percent year-on-year to $530.7 million in July, the head …