Ibrahim Sarhan, chairman and managing director of E-Finance Company, told Amwal Al Ghad Ahli United Bank (AUB) and Société Arabe Internationale de Banque (SAIB) have launched a new program for top customers in which both banks pay taxes electronically on behalf of customers.
Bank Audi joined the 24 banks in offering e-tax payment system, Sarhan added.
Postal Agency will be highly contributing in providing the e-tax payment service especially in remote areas where the participating banks have no branches.
Tax Authority will sign a cooperation protocol with the Postal Agency by the middle of April to offer the e-tax payment service.
E-payment service will be available at 1600 branches of Postal Agency to be increased to 3200 branches during the next six months as well as 1517 banks’ branches.
The number of customers at E-Finance Company rose by 10% in the last period up from last year. The company studies expanding in offering more services in the upcoming period, Sarhan said.