Dr. Ashraf Al-Sharkawy – the Chairman of the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA), stated that they are approaching the activation of T+0 mechanism during the session, especially after experiencing it during the last period.
Al-Sharkawy added that the market stability and the steadiness that the tradings witness represented a strong factor for reconsidering the return of T+0, as it was before the Egyptian revolution.
He referred that Central Clearing, Depository and Registry (MCDR), during the forthcoming period, will make some changes to T+1 mechanism; paving the way for gradually reinstating a number of mechanisms.
He elucidated that the EGX is having experimental sessions on the level of the discovery session, in order to be reinstated in the coming period; in the framework of the scheme of gradually reinstating the delayed financial tools and mechanisms.
Ashraf Al-Sharkawy: Market Stability Reinstates T+0
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