Home Tech/AITech news Arab Communications Council of Ministers meetings start in Cairo tomorrow

Arab Communications Council of Ministers meetings start in Cairo tomorrow

by Noha Gad

Egypt is hosting the meetings of the Arab Telecommunications and Information Council of Ministers and its Executive Bureau on October 4-5 where round 38 of the Executive Bureau meeting is held today.

The 19th of the Arab Telecommunications and Information Council of Ministers meeting will be held tomorrow.

The meetings are set to witness extensive discussions for a number of Arab issues of common concern in order to coordinate efforts and promote cooperation among Member States to achieve the development of the ICT community in the Arab countries.

Egypt chairs the events of the current round of the Council of Ministers, while Saudi Arabia presides the Executive Bureau of the Arab Telecommunications and Information Council of Ministers.

During the meetings, the Council of Ministers and its Executive Bureau will discuss outcomes of the Permanent Arab Postal Committee meeting, the Permanent Arab ICT Committee and  Arab Regional Strategic Conference of the Universal Postal Union.

Reports and recommendations of the previous round of the Executive Bureau will be also adopted. This is in addition to highlighting a number of issues of common interest especially the general Top-Level Domains (gTLDs), determining a date and venue for the next rounds of the Executive Bureau and the Arab Telecommunications and Information Council of Ministers.

The meetings will also tackle a number of issues which relate to the discussion of the most important regional initiatives such as cyber security,  countering cybercrime and e-terrorism and harmful use of their applications, enabling persons with disabilities to use ICT techniques, the role of youth in developing ICT sector and the Arab initiative on Internet Governance in the region.

Topics also will include applications of transmitting voice, photo and message over Internet Protocol, as well as reviewing activities of a number of international institutions and organizations such as the ITU Arab regional office, Arab ICT Organization (AICTO) and the Arab Regulators Network (ARNET).

Egyptian  ICT minister Yasser El-Kady  is due to deliver an opening speech about his vision for the coming period on topics of mutual interest. On the sidelines of the event, bilateral meetings will also be held with a number of Arab ministers to discuss ways to strengthen the mechanisms of cooperation, exchange of experience and reach a common vision on a number of important regional issues.

The meetings are held the umbrella of the Arab League in order to find a common platform through which efforts can be unified to provide best means and services in the ICT field among the Arab League states. This is in addition to achieving  further cooperation and interdependence among members, and to exchange experiences in order to keep up with the latest technologies and develop the sector in the Arab countries.

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