Home MoneyBanks Arab African International Bank receives an International recognition in Sustainability from United Nations Global Compact “UNGC”

Arab African International Bank receives an International recognition in Sustainability from United Nations Global Compact “UNGC”

by Amwal Al Ghad English

In view of strenuous efforts to embed sustainability in its business practices, Arab African International Bank (AAIB) was recognized by “United Nations Global Compact” (UNGC) yearbook 2012 as the” Best Practice” representing  financial institutions. AAIB is listed among 37 global institutions presenting a distinguished case study in “Education, Community and Social Equality”. The recognition by the UNGC came as a result of enacting and executing its core values of sustainability by AAIB in Human rights, Labor rights, Anti-corruption and Environment within its business practices.

Hassan Abdalla, CEO of AAIB, commented “the international recognition is an expression of AAIB’s serious endeavors to re-conceptualize the role of financial institutions in linking finance to Social and environmental dimensions in a way that drives value creation to all stakeholders”. He added that “this is a solid platform to further pursue the basis in deepening sustainable finance on the regional and international level”.

The fourth edition of the Global Compact International Yearbook showcases many inspiring examples of businesses turning challenge into opportunity, leveraging their competencies, capacities and resources for the common good.  The diverse expressions of support for the UN global mission will inspire many more businesses to follow this path and bring corporate sustainability to true scale. The yearbook show cases applying the four main principles of the UN Global Compact which are Human rights, Labor rights, Anti-corruption and Environment.

The AAIB’s representation in the Yearbook is a finger print in the foundation of sustainability of the financial sector in Egypt and MENA Region.  AAIB’s success is to inspire the financial institutions in Egypt to leverage on their capabilities and maximize the opportunity.

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