Alexandria Mineral Oils Company – AMOC (AMOC:CA) has decided to pay a coupon no. (9) on two payments; first values at EGP 7 per share on 30/08/2012 and second worth EGP 2 per share on 27/02/2013. Shareholders as of 27/08/2012 are entitled to cash dividends distribution.
Coupons are disbursed through centers certified by Misr for Central Clearing, Depository and Registry (MCDR).
This comes after AMOC’s extraordinary shareholders meeting, which held last August 5th, has ratified raising the coupon value from EGP 7 to EGP 9 per share.
Worth mentioning, AMOC’s issued capital values at EGP 861 million distributed to 86.100 million securities in which the par value amounts to EGP 10 a share.