Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade African markets are Egypt’s 2016 hope to boost exports- councils

African markets are Egypt’s 2016 hope to boost exports- councils

by Noha Gad

Egyptian export councils aim at achieving noticeable improvement in exports volume through opening a number of new markets notably in Africa during 2016.

By opening those new markets, the councils target boosting exports volume to  compensate the 16.7 percent decline in Egypt’s non-petroleum exports to traditional markets i.e. Syria, Iraq, and Libya due to the instability there .

In January-November 2015, Egypt’s non-petroleum exports registered US$16.6 billion opposed to US$19.9 billion at the same period of 2014.

The councils have cooperated with El Nasr For Import and Export company to enhance their presence in the African market since it is considered as essential core for a number of export councils in 2016.

From his side, Ayman El Nagouly – member at Egyptian Engineering Export Council- stated that the council eyes increasing its exports by 20 percent to hit US$2.5-2.6 billion at the end of 2016 to compensate the expected drop in its 2015’s exports.

He clarified that council’s work strategy for 2016 depends on 3 axes: the first axe is to train 600 persons on skills of exporting, marketing, logistics services, and international banking transactions in cooperation with Foreign Trade Training Centre at Egyptian industry ministry.

The second axe includes executing a number of qualification programmes to qualify factors of engineering sector-notably the small and medium-sized ones- to enter the exporting system. Meanwhile, the third axe relies on amending parts of sector’s strategy to double exports to US$5 billion within three years.

The official added that the council is organising a number of commercial missions to Kenya and Kazakhstan to boost exports to the two states.

El Nagouly noted that Engineering Export Council is currently preparing cooperation protocol with El Nasr Export & Import Company to promote council’s exports through firm’s offices.

On other side, head of Egyptian Agricultural Export Council (AEC) Ali Essa  announced that AEC targets boosting exports volume by 5-7 percent to hit 3.5 million tonnes i.e. US$2-2.2 billion at the end of 2016.

Meanwhile, Walid Gamal Eldin -chairman of Export Council for Building Materials- added that the council eyes enhancing exports volume by 10-15 percent to reach 22-23 billion Egyptian pounds at the end of 2016.

Moreover, Saeed Ahmed -head of Home Textile Export Council- clarified that the council eyes increasing exports volume by 19 percent in 2016 tp compensate the decline in exports during 2015.

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