Home LeisureEntertainment A Cat travels 3,000 miles from Egypt to Britain hiding in Shipping Container

A Cat travels 3,000 miles from Egypt to Britain hiding in Shipping Container

by Yomna Yasser

It has been one heck of a journey for Sinbad the ginger tomcat who travelled from Egypt to Britain.

The miracle moggy was discovered on March 25 after he sneaked into the back of a lorry at the Alexandria port.

He managed to get into a sealed container and sailed across the Mediterranean Sea on a ferry and took a road trip through Europe.

Without any food or water, the eight-month-old puss survived and was heard meowing when the lorry arrived at the warehouse of Mediterranean Linen in Moreton-on-Lugg, Hereford.

Staff were surprised to discover the stowaway according to Graham Monteath, managing director at Mediterranean Linens.

The 56-year-old told The Telegraph: “We heard this screeching noise. I have never heard a cat make that noise before. One of the lads thought it was a baby.

“I thought it could have been a buzzard trying to get into the warehouse because we do get lots of them around here.

“I just turned round and thought ‘good God’, what is that?’ Then this cat’s head popped out of the door.”

Sinbad will now spend four months in quarantine at the RSPCA and the society’s inspector Pippa Boyd said she had not discovered anything like Sinbad in her eight-year career.

“They showed me the paperwork and the tag, and it did all match up. We thought maybe at customs someone might have opened it up, but they didn’t.

“He such a curious cat. He just seems to be wanting to be everywhere and see everything. I imagine they were loading and he just sneaked in.”

The RSPCA has started a fundraising appeal to cover the cost of his care.

Source: The Mirror UK

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