Home Real Estate Housing Ministry to Regain the 15th of May Apartments by Force

Housing Ministry to Regain the 15th of May Apartments by Force

by Administrator

Minister of Housing and New Urban Communities Authority Dr. Tarek Wafiq, stated that the Ministry is currently considering forcing the 15th of May City Protesters to leave their apartments after coordinating with the security bodies. He refused holding negotiations regarding these apartments, given that they are owned by other people.

In exclusive statement to “Amwal Al Ghad,” Wafiq added that some of these apartments are already allocated to people, highlighting that these people were absent from their apartments, which left the door open for others to seize and sell the apartments. He asked wondering how a citizen can buy an apartment from anyone other than the real owner.

The Minister confirmed that his role is not restricted to housing people, but protecting their apartments in their absence and preventing others from holding transactions over the apartments as well.

He noted that selling these apartments occurs in two ways: the first is through organized gangs that break into vacant apartments and sell them; and the second is to exploit people in dire need for an apartment and ready to obtain them illegally.

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