Home Editors' Picks Keep smiling, Keep shinning

Keep smiling, Keep shinning

by aya salah

It’s Wednesday March 21 !! so feel the vibes of International Day Of Happiness. Let’s all try and smile today, that little bit more. You never know, it may catch on…

So guys, “If you want to be happy, be.” Leo Tolstoy.

Important facts:

The International Day of Happiness 2019 has been founded in June 2012 by the United Nations General Assembly and was first celebrated on March 20, 2013. This year’s theme is to be Happier Together, promoted around a central aim— “Share Happiness and be Part of Something Amazing”.

It’s Wednesday March 21 !! so feel the vibes of International Day Of Happiness. Let’s all try and smile today, that little bit more. You never know, it may catch on…

So guys, “If you want to be happy, be.” Leo Tolstoy

Here’s 5 top tips on how to feel happier on International Day of Happiness


Smile and the world smiles with you.

We feel better when we smile and according to the facial feedback hypothesis it’s all to do with body temperature.

It promotes positive feelings, with one study suggesting our facial expressions change the temperature of the blood supply to the brain, causing pleasurable feelings when the temperature dropped.

2.Pay it forward

Pay it forward  is an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to others instead of to the original benefactor. In addition, Giving connects us to others, creating stronger communities. Paying it forward doesn’t always mean giving money you can give your time


Volunteering is good for the soul. A recent study found as we get older volunteering has great benefits for us physically and emotionally.

Whether it’s taking time out to help at a local soup kitchen, knitting cardigans for a neo-natal until or heading to Africa to build shelters, you’ll make connections, change lives and feel good.

4.Give away old clothes

Giving is receiving and one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

For Happiness Day, give something valuable to someone who can use it.

The Netflix series Tidying Up got the nation into a cleaning frenzy as Japanese organising consultant Marie Kondo advised us to give away anything that “didn’t spark joy”.

Ask a friend if they’d like your previously loved dresses or donate them to a charity shop.

When you see your tidy closet after the extras are gone, you’ll feel happy too.

5. Get out in nature

Studies found that just five minutes in nature can boost your self-esteem, which is linked to well-being. Analysing data from nature activities such as walking, cycling and gardening, researchers discovered for the first time that just a few minutes in nature is all it takes to make you happy.

Important facts:

The International Day of Happiness 2019 has been founded in June 2012 by the United Nations General Assembly and was first celebrated on March 20, 2013. This year’s theme is to be Happier Together, promoted around a central aim— “Share Happiness and be Part of Something Amazing

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