Home Editors' Picks New tomb discovered in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings

New tomb discovered in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings

by Amwal Al Ghad English

Yet another new tomb has been discovered in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, in Luxor. It dates from pharaonic times, around the 13th century BC, and it contains the mummified remains of a priest and his wife.

Archaelogists also found decorative sarcophagi and a thousand statuettes. New technology, better mapping techniques, and renewed interest in Egypt’s buried treasures have led to a number of recent finds.

“They found a new Ramesside tomb with very nice paintings, colour paintings, with a depiction of the Queen Ahmose-Nefertari and her son Amenhotep I, both deified during the

Ramesside period. They found many finds inside the tomb, the nicest objects of course are the two coffins found inside the tomb,” said Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities, Khaled el-Anani.

The latest treasure trove has revealed some remarkably well-preserved artefacts, with some of the paintings looking as fresh as if they had been just finished.

Egypt is keen to promote its heritage following some poor years for tourism after terrorist outrages. Tourism is one of the country’s biggest sources of foreign exchange.

Source: Euro News

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