Home Real Estate Egypt’s new capital ministerial district has parliament, Cabinet, 34 other buildings for ministries

Egypt’s new capital ministerial district has parliament, Cabinet, 34 other buildings for ministries

by Yomna Yasser

The ministerial district in the county’s new administrative capital includes the parliament, Cabinet, and 34 other buildings for the ministries, an official in the Egyptian army announced Wednesday.

Kamel Al-Wazir, Chairman of Egypt’s Armed Forces Engineering Authority, made his remarks during the inauguration ceremony of some projects in the new capital by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

“The total space of the ministerial district in the new city is 1,133 feddans or 4.5 million square metres,” the official further stated, adding that the first phase will consist of the parliament and Cabinet’s premises.

Al-Wazir referred that the government has implemented 20 percent of the Cabinet’s premise, set to be built on a total space of 74,000 square metres.

“The 34 ministerial buildings’ total space is estimated at one million and 450,000 square metres,” he said, referring that the accomplishment rate reaches 15 percent.

The new city will be a 270-square-mile hub with 21 residential districts to accommodate five million people.

It will feature 1,250 mosques and churches, a 5,000-seat conference center, nearly 2,000 schools and colleges, over 600 medical facilities and a park that is projected to be the world’s largest.

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