Home Tech/AITech news Omega Soft Projects is to pump new investments in Africa and Gulf

Omega Soft Projects is to pump new investments in Africa and Gulf

by aya salah

Omega Soft Projects, software and IT services provider, is aiming at pumping new investments in Africa and Gulf  markets during the upcoming period so as to expand its work volume.

According to Ashraf Attia, Omega Chairman and Managing Director, the company is ready to export IT solutions and software in cooperation with Oman government.

The company is seeking growth rate between 40% and 50 % in the local market by 2016, in addition to increase the sales volume by 20% during the second half of 2016.

Atia told Amwal Al Ghad that the company is keen on investing in the African market through providing IT projects with solutions and software in cooperation with Nigeria and Sudan.

The company has signed protocol on cooperation with the Kuwaiti government during august to provide its IT solutions with total value of 1 million and 850 thousand Egyptian pound.

Omega Soft Projects is top quality Government software and IT services provider of high-end business solutions to clients across the GCC and Africa. With deep domain expertise in the government business process for finance, planning and managing, the company consistently goes beyond its clients’ expectations by bringing together technology, talent, innovation, and the highest quality standards.

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