Home Real Estate Vision 2030 Experience Centre At Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2012

Vision 2030 Experience Centre At Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2012

by Amwal Al Ghad English

In its ongoing efforts t to plan complete sustainable communities that will improve the quality of life and reflect the values and culture of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council ( UPC ) will unveil in 2012 a suite of planning policies, regulations and guidelines that complement each other and equally support the planning of new communities, the completion of existing communities and the revitalisation of existing ones.

During Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2012, which is held at ADNEC until 25 April 2012, visitors to UPC ‘s Vision 2030 Experience Centre will get first-hand knowledge through various interactive devices on the Council’s upcoming initiatives and efforts at planning complete sustainable communities across Abu Dhabi.

Highlighting the commitment to planning for complete sustainable communities across Abu Dhabi Emirate, His Excellency Falah al Ahbabi, General Manager, Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council ( UPC ), said: “Aligned with the guiding principles of Abu Dhabi’s Urban Vision 2030 and the Estidama requirements, the policies, guidelines and manuals are being meticulously developed to comply with the core principles of our sustainable development that support our social and cultural traditions and values across the Emirate. The new planning initiatives are on progress for launch in the next months and they present a unique opportunity to develop a suitable and sustainable community infrastructure that will improve the quality of life for all residents across the Emirate”.

The complete sustainable communities concept enables the UPC to encapsulate the constitutive components of best practice community planning and highlights the integrated, long-term strategy that is applied to addressing community requirements. Subsequently, when communities are physically developed using this approach, along with incorporating the specific needs of residents through community engagement programmes, there is a tangible increase in the quality of life for residents and improved sustainability, thereby supporting the achievement of Vision 2030 – the ultimate goal for the UPC .

“Planning complete sustainable communities is a benefit to all people and will improve the quality of life for residents in Abu Dhabi as we address the four sustainability pillars of Estidama – environment, social, cultural and economic. By doing so, we are developing suitable and sustainable community infrastructure across the Emirate that combines function with memorable, unique spaces and places that will connect residences to the community facilities, amenities and service thereby providing the appropriate context for public life,” added Al Ahbabi.

Planning Policies, Regulations and Guidelines in the pipeline for 2012:

Abu Dhabi Community Facility Planning Standards

Community facilities are key to sustainable and successful communities. In light of this, the forthcoming Community Facility Planning Standards for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi have been created to ensure that appropriate community facilities are provided across the Emirate to enable residents to have access to all the facilities they require, such as schools and clinics. These facilities will create conditions throughout the Emirate for continued improvements in the health, wellbeing, safety, development and attainment of all residents through enhancing social development and interaction, improving public health, encouraging independent and integrated learning, fostering sport participation and increasing access to government services.

Utility Corridor Design Manual

The Utility Corridor Design Manual (UCDM), a new manual that will guide all utility work for upcoming urban development across the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The manual will complement the Council’s Urban Street Design Manual (USDM) as well as the Public Realm Design Manual (PRDM) and is yet another important step in the UPC ‘s work towards realizing Vision 2030.

The Utility Corridor Design Manual clearly defines the guidelines and recommendations that ensure flexible and innovative utility corridor location and width design based on the intended use of the street and type of development to be serviced. The Manual has been developed to provide standard arrangements for the installation of utilities within streets; to ensure that standards and specifications are consistent and understood; to assist utility providers in completing utility installations in a timely fashion; to standardise utility locations to facilitate maintenance activities and minimise service disruptions; and to minimise disruption to traffic during installation and maintenance of utilities.


Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations

Having recognised the central role in the daily lives of the majority of Abu Dhabi’s residents, the Mosque Development Committee (MDC) and the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council ( UPC ) are in the final stages of development of the forthcoming Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations to ensure an appropriate number, size, type and design of high-quality mosques are strategically located in all communities across Abu Dhabi Emirate. The Regulations promote the use of Emirati vernacular design to celebrate Emirati culture and heritage, whilst having a level of flexibility to allow for innovation and individual identity.

Abu Dhabi Safety & Security Planning Manual

Abu Dhabi is a safe and secure place for its UAE Nationals, residents and visitors, however, it is important to ensure that Abu Dhabi remains safe and secure and welcoming as it continues to grow and attract a range of diverse activities, peoples and opportunities. To guide the development of safe and secure communities, the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council , in collaboration with a range of Government stakeholders, is developing the Abu Dhabi Safety & Security Planning Manual (SSPM), due for release in 2012, which has a specific vision to ensure the creation of safe and secure communities which enhance quality of life and reflect the Emirate’s unique identity.

Plan Coast and Marine 2030

To achieve the goals of the comprehensive Maritime Strategy, the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council ( UPC ) has commenced work on the development of Plan Coast and Marine 2030.

Plan Coast and Marine 2030 as project managed by UPC is intended to action and complement the objectives of the Abu Dhabi Policy Agenda 2030, Economic Vision 2030 and the three master plans that form Abu Dhabi Urban Vision 2030 (Capital, Al Ain and Al Gharbia 2030) and is being developed in coordination with a host of Government agencies, coastal and marine stakeholders and the community. The document will provide the guidance necessary to inform the sustainable development of public and private investments and initiatives within Abu Dhabi’s marine and coastal zone, and ensure equitable access to it, whilst harnessing the opportunities its diverse ecosystems and sheltered waters are creating for recreational and eco-tourism activities.

The components of the Plan include spatial mapping of use and human activities for urban growth; national and Emirate-wide security; resource use and conservation; marine transport; industrial, ports and other water dependent uses; recreation and tourism; heritage; and infrastructure.

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