Home Tech/AITech news Telecom Egypt is still studying Investing in Unified Entity for Infrastructure

Telecom Egypt is still studying Investing in Unified Entity for Infrastructure

by Salma Ayman

Telecom Egypt (ETAL-CA) (TE) is still studying entering and investing in ‘the establishment of a national entity for the development of the infrastructure considered the main backbone for the ICT sector, Eng. Mohamed Al-Nawawi , Managing Director and CEO asserted.

Government is aiming establishing unified entity for infrastructure in cooperation with the 3 mobile phone operators in order to extend cables with each other so the participation in this entity ups to 300 million Egyptian pounds as minimum.

With the participation of the 3 operators in the unified entity , it will stop cooperating with TE in the field of renting infrastructure which its business volume estimated at EGP3 billion per year with 10% total market revenues (EGP30billion).


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