Home MoneyBanks Ramez And Tenawy Replace Shaheen and Al Wakil at FEB

Ramez And Tenawy Replace Shaheen and Al Wakil at FEB

by Administrator

Federation of Egyptian Banks (FEB) announced that Hisham Ramez, deputy chairman of Commercial International bank (CIB) and Akram Tenawy, CEO of Arab banking Corporation, were selected by acclamation to replace Shaheen Serag, former chairman of Industrial Development & Workers Bank, and Essam El-Wakil, former deputy chairman of CIB, in the federation’s board of directors.

This announcement came in the sidelines of the federation’s General Assembly held on Wednesday to approve 2011’s BOD, report, budget, final results and disclaimers for members of Board of Directors. In addition, General Assembly also approved that Hazem Hassan Accountants and Consultants Company stays as the auditor for the federation’s results for the next fiscal year.

The General Assembly also highlighted the key role that Central Bank played in maintaining monetary stability amid last year’s economic crisis.

FEB’s Board of Directors includes Tarek, chairman of National bank of Egypt as a chairman, Mohamed El-Dib, MD of National Societe Generale Bank as the deputy chairman, Hassan Abdel Megid as a member of the Board and fund secretary.

Members of the Board are Mohamed Barakat, deputy chairman of Banque Misr, Ali Shaker, chairman of Development and Agricultural Credit Bank, Mohamed Ashmawy, chairman of United Bank; Ahmed Ismail Hassan, regional manager of National bank of Abu Dhabi; Hisham Ramez, deputy chairman of CIB, and Akram Tinawy, CEO of Arab Banking Corporation.

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