Home MoneyFinancial Institutions Misr Insurance Company Insures Amria Petroleum Refining Labs

Misr Insurance Company Insures Amria Petroleum Refining Labs

by Administrator

Misr Insurance Company (Non-life) succeeded in striking a contract to insure Amria Petroleum Refining Company’s laboratories during the project’s period with EGP 9 billion.

The insurance policy includes engineering insurance coverage over installation, building and construction and against contractors’ errors. There is also an insurance policy covering equipments and machines.

It is worth mentioning that Misr Insurance Company achieved written premiums of EGP 1.97 billion in Q2 of FY 2012/2013, compared to EGP 1.8 billion in Q2 of FY 2011/2012, registering a growth rate of 9.4%.


 Refining Labs

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