Home MoneyFinancial Institutions Misr Insurance Amends Employees’ Medical Treatment System

Misr Insurance Amends Employees’ Medical Treatment System

by Administrator

Adel Moussa, chairman of Misr Insurance Company, approved the amendments suggested by the company’s syndicate committee to the medical treatment system of employees and pensioners, said Ahmed Khattab, member of the board of directors at the company and member of the syndicate committee.

The amendments include the disbursement of EGP 1,500 worth of pharmaceuticals to each member of the employee’s family who shall incur 20% of the treatment bill. The company will also incur the treatment costs of critical cases in hospitals with minimum limit of EGP 75,000 and maximum limit of EGP 150,000, he added.

The insurance policies of treatment of pensioners were merged into 3 polices instead of 14. Pensioners will also receive EGP 20,000 worth of pharmaceuticals annually, instead of EGP 10,000. The company will incur treatment costs of up to EGP 150,000 for critical cases of pensioners, instead of the earlier EGP 75,000.

Khattab added that the company disbursed the employees’ holiday allowances for 2011 and 2011.

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