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What makes technology delicious?

by Administrator

Until Steve Jobs came along, apple was just a fruit that made my salad delicious and Mango, the king of fruits as famously perceived by every Indian. But now who says technology can’t be savoured? If some Apple phones are selling like hot cakes, some handsets religiously carry in them the Ice Cream Sandwich, Yummy indeed.

That sets me thinking what’s in a name? Steve Jobs chose apple perhaps because he couldn’t really think of anything better than his previous workplace, the Oregon apple farm, and we presume it was not because apple was the fruit Biblical character Eve had offered to Adam.

But I seriously wonder if it is because apple is eye-perfect just as his iPhone, iPad and iPod. Its taste eternally copyrighted by nature and none, I mean no rival; can improve upon its contoured shape and its patented color.

When the word rival crops up, I can’t be forgetting great competitors Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who are set to roll out their delightful dessert, Ice Cream Sandwich.

For Google, it is just continuation of the tradition of naming its operating systems based on a dessert in an alphabetical order: Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, and Honeycomb, but there is a possibility of it resulting in a greater appetite for yummy names. Going by Google’s fantasy for hot ‘n cold names, what will be the next one called? may be Jelly Bean or Jello Cream. For all that guesses, Google doesn’t really mind such suggestions, of course quality ones.

The latest to tickle the technology taste buds is Microsoft’s Mango phone. But have you ever wondered why it is Mango, and not Melon? Even if it was Microsoft’s obsession with the letter M, I feel melon would have been better as one can’t really make out from outside if it is ripe inside!

It seems a total disconnect to name man-made technology after nature’s creations. Precisely, that’s what makes technology delicious. How about a cookie byte or a cyber pizza on your menu?

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