Home MoneyFinancial Institutions Assiut Accident Victims Compensations Await Police Reports

Assiut Accident Victims Compensations Await Police Reports

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Families of the 51 children killed in the train-bus crash in Assiut will be compensated soon after finalizing the legal procedures, said Abdel Raouf Kotb, chairman of Insurance Federation of Egypt (IFE) and managing director of Egyptian Saudi Insurance House (ESIH).

ESIH awaits the reports of the police and the prosecutor on the accident as well as the examination report of the company’s actuarial expert to start disbursing compensations to the families of the victims, he added.

ESIH had earlier announced that it will disburse the compensations to the families of the victims as it is the issuer of the compulsory insurance policy covering highway vehicle accidents.

The value of the compensation is EGP 40,000 for deaths and total permanent disabilities cases, while the value of the compensation for partial disabilities varies according to the disability percentage.

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