Home MoneyBanks HCT Partners With NBAD To Develop Banking Careers For UAE Nationals

HCT Partners With NBAD To Develop Banking Careers For UAE Nationals

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The National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) , the Number One Bank in the UAE, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Higher Colleges of Technology ( HCT ) to jointly develop training programmes and cooperate on recruitment, sponsorships and job training.

This marks NBAD ‘s fifth partnership with a University this year to support the Bank’s objectives to strengthen UAE’s academic institutions. The agreement was signed by Sultan Karmostaji, Associate Provost for Student Affairs at HCT and Suaad Al Shammari, the Head of Emiratization at NBAD .

Under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between NBAD and HCT , the Bank would provide career guidance to the Higher Colleges’ graduates. NBAD would also provide tutorial, seminar expertise and lecturing to Higher Colleges of Technology . Furthermore, the two partners would develop joint venture training programmes.

Dr Tayeb Kamali, Vice Chancellor of the Higher Colleges of Technology said the agreement with NBAD will help to prepare HCT ‘s Emirati graduates for in-demand banking careers in an increasingly globalized economy.
“This partnership with NBAD will result in developing our graduates with the knowledge, skills and confidence to contribute effectively to the nation and its growing economy and to reach their full potential,” Dr Kamali said.

“This agreement reflects the Bank’s commitment to the development of a promising generation of UAE Nationals with relevant and highly sought-after banking skills and it will give students an unparalleled advantage in the workplace,” he added.

“We are very pleased to collaborate with NBAD in taking proactive steps towards employing and training young Emiratis, and we will give the Bank all necessary assistance to achieve their Emiratization goals,” Dr Kamali concluded.
The partnership would offer HCT students and graduates the chance to combine academics with practical knowledge as well boost NBAD employees’ skills.

” NBAD endeavours to be a global player in banking be recognised the World’s Best Arab Bank. One way to achieve this vision is by investing in human resource development and to train tomorrow’s business leaders,” says Suaad Al Shammari, the Head of Emiratization at NBAD .

She added: “Academic institutions play a vital role in developing human resources and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to succeed in an ever-changing market. With the help of our partners we will be able not only to draw the best talents to our organisation but also to expand career development programmes for students and graduates.”

NBAD is a founding member of Higher Colleges of Technology Foundation’s 100-club and funded two Deans in Banking and Finance based at HCT ‘s Abu Dhabi Women’s College and Al Ain Men’s College.

NBAD has been consistently recognised and honoured for programmes that are instrumental in the training of its employees and the recruitment and development of talented UAE nationals. Recently, for instance, Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies (EIBFS) honoured NBAD for its strategies to search, identify and hire UAE nationals who seek careers in financial services and proved their motivation through academic achievements. In another accolade, IFS School of Finance, the leading provider of professional banking and financial qualifications, has awarded Michael H. Tomalin, the Group Chief Executive of the National Bank of Abu Dhabi ( NBAD ), an Honorary Doctorate of Science in Banking and Finance in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the financial services industry.

NBAD has a number of partnerships with governmental and non-governmental agencies to advance Emiratisation goals. The Bank launched the Derasatee Programme with Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council (ADTC) and EIBFS to hire and train UAE national job seekers. Under Derasatee, ADTC and NBADsponsor young UAE nationals to study at EIBFS toward a specialised Banking Diploma. Currently several students in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Sharjah are in the Derasatee programme, who are will work for the Bank upon graduation. The Bank also works closely with the National Human Resource Development and Employment Authority (TANMIA).

NBAD also runs its own prestigious training and educational programmes to enhance its Emiratisation strategies. It recently launched “Tomouh” under which NBAD sponsors overseas education of UAE nationals and allows them to intern with the Bank during their education pursuit. Tomouh is part of NBAD ‘s Watani Development Programme. Under the Watani Development Programme, NBAD also offers AFAQ, in which young talented recruits study toward a Master’s degree in partnership with Zayed University; Mustaqbali, a sponsorship and internship programme for Emirati university students with the chance to work for the Bank upon graduation, A Bedaya, which recruits and trains high school graduates, and Al Sadara, which helps talented Emiratis get a professional certification.

The state-of-the-art NBAD Academies in Abu Dhabi and Dubai strengthens NBAD ‘s Emiratisation and ‘learning culture.’

Press Release

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