Home The WatchGet To Know Get To Know MB Supreme Guide-Mohammed Badei

Get To Know MB Supreme Guide-Mohammed Badei

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Muhammad Badei Abdel Maguid Samy, 69 years old, is the 8th Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was born in 1943. He has succeeded Mohammad Mahdi Akef in January 2010. In 1965 Muhammed Badei earned his PHD also in veterinary medicine.

Muhammad Badei is married to Somya El Shenawy, daughter of pilot officer Muhammad Ali El Shenawy.  He has 2 sons and a daughter.

His Career Life

Muhammad Badei was born in the industrial city of Mahalla al-Kubra on August 7, 1943. He took a degree in veterinary medicine at Cairo in 1965. Then, he was appointed lecture at the University of Asyut. Badie received a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Zagazig University in 1979 and joined the faculty in 1983.  He continued to work part time as a professor of pathology at the veterinary school of Beni Suef University.

Badei joined the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in 1959.

In 1965, he was arrested, along with Sayed Qutb, for the first time for being part of the MB paramilitary unit accused of attempting to assassinate President Gamal Abdel Nasser and overthrow the regime; he was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a military tribunal.

Paroled along with almost all other Brotherhood prisoners in 1974 by the new Egyptian president, Anwar al-Sadat, Badei  went on to continue his studies and begin a teaching career at various Egyptian universities.

In 1977 Badei was named the head of the MB’s administrative office in Mahalla. Badie taught in Yemen from 1982 to 1986 (and served on the MB’s education committee while in Sana’a).

Badie was arrested in 1999 and sentenced by a Military Court to a five-year term for syndicate activity. He was released early in 2003 after serving part of his term.  In 2002, 22 Brotherhood members, including several university professors, were referred for military trial and current guide Mohamed Badie,  was one of them, received prison sentences.  But he was acquitted.

Badie became a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Guidance Bureau in 1996 and the International Guidance Bureau in 2007.

He has headed the Egyptian branch of the international Islamist organization since 2010. Before becoming general guide, Badei had been a member of the group’s governing council, the Guidance Bureau, since 1996.

Badei is a strong advocate of internal unity within the Brotherhood as well as globally, between all Muslims.

He represents a conservative shift in the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood. Due to his background in education and religious conservatism, analysts predict that he will emphasize the Brotherhood’s social work.

Quotes by Muhammed Badei

“Hope is the emblem of the true believer … We are guided by hope, love and brotherhood. Those are the measures applied by the Muslim brotherhood to encounter difficulties”

Statements on the West

In a weekly sermon, titled “How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny [against the Muslims],” Mohammed Badei accused the Arab and Muslim regimes of avoiding confrontation with “the Zionist entity” and the United States, and also of disregarding “Allah’s commandment to wage jihad for His sake with [their] money and [their] lives, so that Allah’s word will reign supreme and the infidels’ word will be inferior.” Badei stated that the U.S. is immoral and doomed to collapse. He accused the Palestinian Authority of “selling out” the Palestinian cause, adding that a third intifada was about to erupt. Badei also stated that “Resistance is the only solution against the Zio-American arrogance and tyranny, and all we need is for the Arab and Muslim peoples to stand behind it and support it.”

In July 2012, during his weekly sermon, Mohammed Badei stated that Israelis are “rapists” of Jerusalem, and called on all Muslims to “wage jihad with their money and their selves to free al-Quds.” He described the creation of Israel in international law as an “alleged, illusory right.”

In October 2012, Badei alleged that “The Jews have dominated the land, spread corruption on earth, spilled the blood of believers and in their actions profaned holy places, including their own.” As such, he demanded that the Arab world reject negotiations with Israel in favor of “holy Jihad,” saying that “the Zionists only understand force” and while alleging that allowing Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, would result in the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.




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