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Get to know the right way to use and clean your mask during the coronavirus pandemic

by Amwal Al Ghad English
New York

The Centres for Disease Control said people should wear cloth face coverings to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Hence, below are the guidelines about the right way to use a cloth face covering during the pandemic, in addition to common pitfalls that could affect your safety, according to CNBC.

  • Focus on the Fit:

    Face coverings should be snug, yet to be still comfortable, and cover your whole nose and mouth, and extend underneath your chin, according to the CDC.

  • Put it on carefully:

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests that people first clean their hands before wearing the mask and check that there are no holes or tears in the fabric.

  • Don’t touch the mask while wearing it:

    If you must take off your mask for a quick breather, or an itch, it is essential to practice good hand hygiene after touching the face covering.

  • Take it off carefully:

    Be extra careful not to touch the front of your mask and your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing your face covering, and wash your hands after handling your mask, the CDC advised.

  • Wash your mask often:

    The CDC also said machine-washing your mask is enough to disinfect your cloth face covering.

  • Keep social distancing:

    Wearing a face covering is just one additional step that you can take to prevent the spread of coronavirus. However, it is not a replacement for the other important prevention measures, such as washing your hands and social distancing.

As surgical masks and N95 respirators should be saved for healthcare workers, the idea is that a simple cloth covering could prevent asymptomatic people from spreading the virus in situations where it is not easy to maintain social distancing.

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