Home Tech/AITech news 21 mln Enquiries About Run-off Polling Stations: Ministry’s Official

21 mln Enquiries About Run-off Polling Stations: Ministry’s Official

by Administrator

According to the statistics of the Ministry of State for Administrative Development, 21 million people enquired about polling stations during the presidential run-off elections, which between the two candidates Dr Mohamed Morsi and the senior commander Ahmed Shafiq.

An official source in the ministry asserted that the 16.5 million enquires depended on the website of the presidential elections commission, while the SMS came second; 3 million enquires.

The source added that the short number 140, which assigned by Telecom Egypt Co., acquired 1 million enquires during the run-off round; referring that the Smartphone applications reached 1.5 million ones.

The mistakes which the website of the presidential election commission faced during the first round are due to updating the voters’ database five days earlier; as this contradict with the available data on the website. These mistakes happened in ten subcommittees in Nasser City, the source said.

The number of enquires on the polling stations during the presidential elections period of the first round, 23 and 24 May, reached 63 million ones; the website of the commission got the lion’s share of the enquires, 79%.

The source elaborated that using SMS for getting information on the polling stations reached 9 million messages.

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